NICU Family Resources
ICU baby has compiled resources that may be useful for families with a baby in the NICU. Below you will find resources that are specific to the hospitals where ICU baby currently has programs.
Further below, ICU baby has included news articles and websites that may assist any family with a baby in the NICU.

Resources for Holtz Children’s Hospital at UM/Jackson Memorial Medical Center
The following PDF documents are resources that may serve to assist you during your baby’s stay in the NICU at Holtz Children’s Hospital at UM/Jackson Memorial Medical Center.
- Holtz Children’s Hospital at UM/Jackson Memorial Medical Center Hotel Rates This PDF is from the Patients & Guest Services Department and contains hotel room rates for hotels neighboring Holtz Children’s Hospital at UM/Jackson Memorial Medical Center.
- Welcome Letter: A note to congratulate you on the birth of your baby (or babies!).
- Resources While in the NICU: Valuable information relevant to your baby’s time in the NICU.
- NICU Terminology: Commonly used terms in the NICU.
- NICU Pack Content: A list of items contained in the NICU Pack.
- Carta de bienvenida: Antes que nada, felicitaciones por el nacimiento de su bebé (o bebés!).
- Recursos de Hospital Sur de Miami: Bienvenidos al NICU (Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo Neonatal). Les presentamos información importante para su tiempo en el hospital con su bebé. Esperamos que les ayuda, y les deseamos lo mejor mientras que apoyen a su bebé.
- Terminologia NICU: Terminos comunes en la NICU.
- Contenidos en Nuestro “NICU Pack”: Una lista de elementos contenidos en “NICU Pack”.

Resources for Baptist Health System’s South Miami Hospital
The following PDF documents are resources that may serve to assist you during your baby’s stay in the NICU at South Miami Hospital.
- South Miami Hospital Hotel Rates This PDF is from the Patients & Guest Services Department and contains hotel room rates for hotels neighboring South Miami Hospital.
- Welcome Letter: A note to congratulate you on the birth of your baby (or babies!).
- Resources While in the NICU: Valuable information relevant to your baby’s time in the NICU.
- NICU Terminology: Commonly used terms in the NICU.
- NICU Pack Content: A list of items contained in the NICU Pack.
- Carta de bienvenida: Antes que nada, felicitaciones por el nacimiento de su bebé (o bebés!).
- Recursos de Hospital Sur de Miami: Bienvenidos al NICU (Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo Neonatal). Les presentamos información importante para su tiempo en el hospital con su bebé. Esperamos que les ayuda, y les deseamos lo mejor mientras que apoyen a su bebé.
- Terminologia NICU: Terminos comunes en la NICU.
- Contenidos en Nuestro “NICU Pack”: Una lista de elementos contenidos en “NICU Pack”.
Websites &
Online Resources
The following resources may serve to assist you during your baby’s NICU stay and after.
- www.kellymom.com: Kelly Mom provides helpful information on parenting and breastfeeding.
- www.lalecheleague.org: La Leche League will assist you to find breastfeeding support programs in your community.
- www.preemiestore.com: The Preemie Store is an online clothing and baby gear store with products made specifically for preemies.
- www.aap.org: The mission of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is to attain optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents and young adults.
- www.marchofdimes.org: The March of Dimes provides information about prematurity and fundraises to support research and programs to end premature birth, birth defects and infant mortality.
- www.kangaroomothercare.com: Kangaroo Mother Care offers support for parents and staff of premature babies.
News, Articles, & Excerpts
The following articles & excerpts may serve to assist you during your baby’s NICU stay and after.
- Pregnancy & Newborn’s “Early Arrival”: Some parents discover while pregnant that their baby will more than likely make an early appearance. Others face preterm birth spontaneously and with-out warning. In both cases, life instantly becomes chaotic and scary. Pleasant daydreams of what those first few days with baby will be like suddenly evaporate, and “typical” new-parent experiences are replaced with crisis management and medical jargon…
- Huffington Post’s “6 Parents Of Premature Babies Reveal What It Was Like When ‘Hospital Became Home’”: When parents-to-be imagine life after the birth of their infants, the setting they envision is at home. However, for thousands of parents each year, their newborns spend their first days and even weeks in the world at the hospital; they may have been born too early, have an illness at birth, or are deemed too small and fragile for travel…
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxtEj6YqGuA: “Just Keep Swimming” is a NICU story of HOPE. In those challenging moments with your baby, when you think you can’t fight any more, watch this inspiring story of Francis William. It will help you to ‘just keep swimming’.
- Benefits of Reading to Your Newborn: Think your baby is too young to reap the rewards of reading? Think again. Research shows it’s never too early to start enjoying books with your little one. So get ready to break out your copy of Goodnight, Moon and enjoy this ritual with your newest addition.
- Major Benefits of Reading Aloud to Infants: My son was born in the middle of a typical Winnipeg winter: snowy and painfully cold. For the first few months of his life, we stayed bundled up in our cozy suburban house, venturing out only when the mercury crept past -40C, which wasn’t very often. Despite having added a new person to our household, my infant son was a terrible conversationalist and our house was quiet and empty. I found myself reading aloud to help stave off the loneliness and isolation I was feeling. With my son in a sling while I made dinner, I’d read him cookbooks.
- When a Grieving Mother Talks, Listen: There is a chance that you will receive a holiday card this year from someone who lost a baby right before or right after birth. Someone like me. When someone who lost a baby puts together a holiday card, the family photo, if we are brave enough to include one, is never quite right because it is missing someone.
- When a New Mother’s Joy is Entwined With Grief: Every Mother’s Day, Maggie Nelson, her husband Mike, and their three young children head to the cemetery to take a family photo at the grave of their daughter, Emily. She was stillborn in 2010, but her twin, Mikey, now 7, survived. “People say, ‘That’s kind of sad,’ but I can say, ‘I’m a proud mom of four. Here I am with all of them,’” Ms. Nelson.