Please review the Out-of-Hospital Volunteer Opportunities below to consider what best suits you.
Out-of-Hospital Volunteer Opportunities
Become an ICU baby Volunteer. We would love for you to get involved in a way that is meaningful and enjoyable for you. If you have had a NICU experience of your own, join our tele-support team and offer current NICU parents support through their NICU journey telephonically. If you would like to help plan a fundraiser, prepare NICU Packs, or serve dinner to NICU families, we welcome all volunteers and look forward to your involvement.
Our current Out of Hospital volunteer opportunities include:
- NICU Parent Mentor Program | Tele-Support
- Pack-a-NICU Pack (In-Person Event)
- ICU Create-a-Bear!
- Sponsor a Supper of Support
- Fundraising Support

NICU Parent Mentor Program
(Screenings Required)
ICU baby invites individuals with NICU experience of their own to become a NICU Parent Mentor to offer current NICU parents much needed social emotional support. Mentors offering tele-support call and text their assigned families weekly while their baby is in the NICU, serving as a lifeline for many parents. They make sure that parents are getting the support that they need to navigate their NICU journey and reinforce the use of ICU baby’s NEST materials.
Tele-support mentors need not live in the Miami area, but must be regularly available for ongoing trainings and attend mentor huddles.

(Suitable for up to 20 Volunteers)
ICU baby presents its signature NICU Packs to all families whose baby has an expected stay in the NICU of 3 weeks or more at South Miami Hospital or Holtz Children’s Hospital. This NICU Pack is a tote bag that contains essential items that help the family care for their baby while admitted.
The Pack-a-NICU Pack project is an opportunity for individuals from the community to prepare NICU Packs by gift wrapping and putting the items into the bag. Each ‘packer’ is asked to write a personal note of encouragement to the family of the NICU baby and it is attached to the outside of the NICU Pack.
The goal of each Pack-a-NICU Pack event is to prepare at least 50 bags. ICU baby will provide all of the materials necessary. A financial contribution towards the NICU Pack Program is suggested, but not required to be approved for a Pack-a-NICU Pack event. This is a great on-site activity, as ICU baby can travel to your location and guide this event.

Fundraising Support
(Event Volunteers)
ICU baby relies on private and corporate donations as well as fundraising events for program financing. ICU baby’s goal is to have passionate volunteers involved with all of its events. Volunteer assistance with check-in, silent auction tables, raffle sales and event planning are just some of the ways individuals can become involved.

Host a Fundraiser to Benefit ICU baby
(Hosting Opportunity)
An event hosted by a member of the community gives ICU baby a chance to meet other people who are interested in supporting families with a baby in the NICU. Hosting a fundraising event is an opportunity to raise money for ICU baby’s ongoing projects while creating awareness about ICU baby and the support offered to families of a baby in the NICU. ICU baby looks forward to hearing your fundraiser ideas and putting them into the works!

ICU Create-a-Bear!
(Suitable for a group of 15-20 children)
ICU Create-a-Bear! invites children in the community to make a personalized ICU baby Care Bear for an older brother or sister of a NICU baby. Having a baby in the NICU is a difficult time and impacts all family members. ICU baby supports the whole family and recognizes how scary the NICU can be, especially for young siblings. Having a bear to hug on a bad day can brighten a child’s day. Having a unique bear made by another child in the community, makes it extra special!
Each child will stuff a bear, make an accessory, and complete a Birth Certificate, personalized from that child to the NICU sibling. The ICU baby Bears will then be gifted to NICU brothers and sisters at ICU baby’s monthly Suppers of Support.
ICU Create-a-Bear! is a fun and creative opportunity to get children involved in service. This is a great on-site activity, as ICU baby can travel to your location with all the necessary materials and guide the event. A financial contribution towards the Care Bear Project is suggested, but not required to be approved for the ICU Create-A-Bear! event. This project typically takes one hour to be completed and can be arranged for a group of 15 – 20 kids.
Children must be at least 5 years old to participate in this project.

Sponsor a Meaningful Meal
(Sponsorship Opportunity)
ICU baby hosts monthly dinners for all families with a baby in the NICU at South Miami Hospital or Holtz Children’s Hospital. The meal is served in a conference room in the hospital so that families can briefly leave their baby’s side for a warm meal.
The Supper often organically turns in to an informal support group as families have the opportunity to speak with other NICU families who are going through a NICU journey of their own.
These dinners are sponsored by local families, companies and restaurants.

Host a Private Dinner/Cocktail Party
(Hosting Opportunity)
ICU baby would like to continue to raise awareness about the programs provided to NICU families and expand its network of generous supporters. ICU baby is a grassroots, non-profit organization that is only able to carry out its programs because of donations by members of the community and corporate sponsors.
Volunteers who host a small, private dinner or cocktail party enable us to share our mission and goals with potential supporters in an intimate setting. These dinner or cocktail parties have the opportunity to be “mini fundraisers” for the organization and will help ICU baby continue to serve NICU families in our community.
Have questions? Please email us at volunteer@icubaby.org.