Cuisine & Crafts Program
ICU baby’s Cuisine & Crafts offers a catered lunch and art therapy for families with a currently admitted baby in the NICU. Family members join ICU baby volunteers for a lunch spread and sweat treats just outside of the Unit. At every lunch, there is a baby related craft project. Family members are invited to tap in to their creative side to paint a canvas or keepsake box.
Families are able to work quietly to distract themselves from the stressors of the NICU or share their baby’s NICU journey with other families that are encountering similar experiences. Cuisine & Crafts organically becomes a therapeutic experience for families as they are able to express their fears and successes to other NICU families and create a special NICU memento for their baby to take home with them.
All family members of a NICU baby are invited to the monthly Cuisine & Crafts at the hospital where their baby is admitted.