Milestones & Miracles | Summer 2022

ICU baby's Milestones & Miracles Newsletter

A Miami Leader Leaves a Lasting Legacy Benefitting Moms and Babies

ICU baby’s community partnership with the Healthy Start Coalition of Miami-Dade (HSCMD) has allowed us to extend the support of our families well beyond the walls of our local NICUs. We are forever grateful to Manny Fermin, CEO of HSCMD, whose leadership and vision enabled ICU baby to offer comprehensive support to our families in their greatest times of need. One memorable example is Mommy Smith, who struggled with postpartum depression and had no access to mental health care.

Manny and his team stepped in to get her the appointment she needed to start her journey to wellness. For this reason and many more, we are incredibly sad to share the news of Manny’s passing on March 17, 2022. With 25 years of service at HSCMD, Manny’s legacy serves as an inspiration to ICU baby to continue to support and advocate for mothers and babies in Miami Dade… continue reading.